
Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, the big party in my Leadership Class came and went. It was such a fun thing. One of the kids even said at the end of class: "We are going to do this next year, right Alice?" It broke my heart to think that in actuality we probably wouldn't be together in class next year. The way that they are reconfiguring our school would make it hard to continue are leadership program. That makes me a little (okay a lot) sad because I have come to love these 20 kids so much! They are like my own kids. It is awesome how that happens for me. See, I really want to have kids someday. In fact, lately I have been thinking that if I can't have my own kids right now, I am going to live vicariously through other people's children. This goes for my students as well. I really do care so much about these kids. It still makes me sad that our school is changing basically because I do not feel that the change is going to be good for our students. In the end, no matter how many job cuts there may be, the students are the ones that lose.

Anyway, having this party was something that just made my day. I have typically hated Valentine's Day and actually have referred to it as "Single Awareness Day," but this year I am enjoying it. I think we need to go back to our childhood sometimes. Kids have a great Valentine's idea. It isn't all about the romance and gushy stuff, which is only for couples but it is a celebration of friendship and the love that come from friendships. I like that idea a lot better(although I am sure if there were a man around right now I may like the gushy part of the theme). It was a fun day yesterday.

I did also babysit for my friend, Christine on Thursday and I had my little buddy Aiden for that evening. We decorated brownies for one of my friends and it was a blast. We also played the Wii, which I have borrowed from the school, and it was so fun to see little six year old Aiden play the Wii. Boxing was definitely his favorite and I had to pull him away from the screen a few times because he kept getting closer and closer to the TV. So funny and cute!

Today I am excited to head up to Salt Lake and hang out with the Bills. (They are my Utah family, for those who may not know them. I met them years ago in Wisconsin and they have adopted me as a part of their clan.) Morgan will be there from Vegas and I love to hang with her. I also love her kids; they are pretty much some of my favorite people. Sarah will also be there with her wee ones who are also very fun. It should be a fun evening.

It is snowing right now. I hate the snow. I hate driving in it solely for the fact that people drive so stupid in the snow. I am a good snow driver and it frustrates me to be surrounded by unsafe idiots. Maybe I am judging harshly but it really does irritate me.

What else? Oh, my girls played basketball again last night. It is so weird how wishy washy they are. Seriously, they can play so good one game and then revert back to when they first started the season. It is so weird to me. I hate when they go back to the mode of being beginners and don't seem to listen to me. Life is hard as a coach sometimes. Luckily, we only have one regular game left, which is next Saturday. We may be in the tournament, if we get the funds to do so. Is it bad to wish we wouldn't play in the tournament? I am kinda done with basketball!

I hope you enjoy the song I have added to my slide show. Kelly Clarkson is one of my favorites. I also love her new song: "My Life Would S**k Without You." I like it so much that my 4th Hour PE class listened to it on repeat the whole class. None of them complained, which was atypical for my students and I liked that they did not complain for once. Think of this song as a dedication to each an every one of you. I know that the people who follow my blog are pretty much the cool people in my life. I am grateful for all the great humans who make my life so bright. Thanks for being my friends and I hoe your Valentine's Day is fabulous! EAT SOME SWEETS. That is really what the day is about, right?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Peterson said...

I am glad you were able to put a positive spin on things. Change is hard and it is sad how many people are affected by the economy but you are doing what you can to not give up and help those kids1 Glad you had a fun day!