
Yada Yada Shish Boom Bada.

Now that is an excited person on their way to work!

Yesterday was okay. I went to work and had meetings in the morning and then I got my grades finished and cleaned off one of my desks (I have three). It is exciting to be in term four. I woke up today and said to myself, "Summer cannot come soon enough." I think I have reached the March burnout that often happens. Tired. Tired. Tired.

That is okay in about three weeks I will be heading to Vegas for Spring Break. That will be good.

Last night I watched 24 with Janette and then watched Chuck. Real exciting, eh? I did also go shopping and got stuff to make a present for Janette's birthday. I am not going to tell you much about it because, even though it is a small chance she comes on here to read this, I would be sad if the surprise is ruined. It is going to be crafty I will tell you that, though!

Well, off to the excitement of my work life. That was sarcasm for all of you that couldn't hear it in my typing. Have a great day!

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