
The Dream is Realized...I arrived in England: June 10th

I hope you enjoy my blogging of the big trip to the UK. I did a post per day mostly. So make sure you see all of them...you might have to click on "older posts." Some of the posts come directly from my iPod where I journaled some of the trip. Excuse the misspellings and lack of capital letters, it is hard to type with big fingers on that little keyboard! Don't judge. It was a fun trip and I am glad to share it with all of you.

If you want to see all the pics be sure to check out facebook. Again, if you are not friends with me on there yet...shame on you! JK...no pressure! Friend me, if you want to see the pics. They may be public too, if you just search for me! Who knows?(I will get those pics up tomorrow so be patient. I must go to bed now, though!)

Thurs. Arrived late at night. Had to "reclaim" luggage. Customs were
so easy. Driver was from India and drove a VW van. It was very
shocking to ride on the left side if the road. The fasination with
signs began in the airport as I saw the funny looking lady with the
wide hips for the sign.

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