
Christmas Eve in Green Bay

Enjoy some pictures of Christmas Eve. We were in Green Bay with my aunt and uncle. They are always so good to us and let us stay with them. I was glad to see my grandma as well, but a little sad that I didn't take one picture of her. Oh wait, I did when we were eating at Kroll's. Yipee.

That hat was a hit everywhere on Chirstmas. Do you see how excited I was for the season?

I love the tradition of Jesus' birthday cake that Gabby, my cousin Shannon's daughter, came up with a few years back. It was tasty too! Shannon is taking a picture of me taking a picture of her in the pic. You can also see Gabby, Thomas and Uncle Tom.

When I drove my grandma back to her house, we took a side adventure to this amazing house that took decorating with lights to the extreme. I loved it!

Hope you had some fun during the holidays!


BloggingBills said...

Sounds and looks like you had a great Christmas in the land of frozen tundra. We're so glad you made it home safely and enjoyed Christmas with your family!
Much love,


Elizabeth Peterson said...

I love your festive hat! That cake looks sooo good. Is it a Costco cake because if it is then I am really jealous and wish I had a piece. I love costcos cakes!!