
Oh weekend how I love thee.

Well. I made it to Saturday. Some parts of the week seemed too long while others flew.

I had a pretty good week with my leadership class this week. We have started a blog so we can keep in touch this summer and I am way excited for it. Our theme right now is creating a manifesto. You should read Morgan's thoughts on manifestos HERE. I am also thinking about copying Morgan too, so look for Alice's Manifesto in the future!

We also took pictures of us in graduation gowns for our blog. Here is what I look like as a grad from Independence High:

Last night I came up to Sandy to hang with Josh(little brother from another mother). We had big plans to go frisbee golfing but the weather did not like us. So we went to dinner and then tried to go to a movie. Apparently, we were not supposed to do that either because it was sold out. So we decided to shop for a vacuum. Josh is very helpful when it comes to this as demonstrated in the following photos:

From the looks of that second one I almost wish I had picked that one. It will make me extremely happy to have a vacuum that actually sucks!

Another thing that makes me extremely happy is when I can peel an orange peel in one piece. So happy, I have to take pictures to commemorate it.

Who needs a royal wedding for entertainment when you have skills like this?

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