
The End.

Yearbook signing was today. This is my favorite page. It is a good salute to our Principal in her last year, no?

After I left work today, I headed to Sandy and went frisbee golfing with Josh. The course was cool and Josh kicked my butt(I haven't played much this year!) but it was a blast!

I am tired and should get to bed. I have no motivation to move off my couch, though!

Isn't this sculpture Josh made of Abraham Lincoln cool? I thought so.

Hey, I am doing a postcard experiment this summer. If you would like to participate, send your mailing address to my email. Basically, I will send you a postcard or ten this summer and you can send me one back if you want. There is no real commitment but I will be making a book of some sort with the postcards I have sent and recieved. I may also blog about the experiment. You should totally be a part of this. Email your address now(please!) me: softballrita@gmail.com


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