
Payday is a very special day.

...especially when you forget to check your bank account and overdraft. Thank heavens for the line of credit that bailed me out! Whew!

Here is the list of the day and then I must be off to sleep:
15 things in the room with me now:
1. My TV with Inside the NBA on in the background.
2. Laptop ready to quickly check Facebook before sleeping. (I really want to invest in Facebook. Any comments/thoughts about that?)
3. My running shoes. I did put them on in hopes of getting a run in earlier. It was more important to chat with my seester!
4. Huge exercise ball. I need to be better about my knee exercises.
5. My Guitar Hero guitars and drums.
6. Green Bay Packet lamp and gnome.
7. My blanket that my grandma made. I often am chilly.
8. My journal.
9. A glass of water.
10. A bazillion remotes.
11. Piles of papers to sort through. Still looking for the time to get to it.
12. My scriptures. I need to make more time for reading and meditation.
13. Movies galore.
14. Kisstixx. His and her Chapstick. They are pretty cool. All Reuben's idea!
15. Baseball Easter basket. I think it will be the money collector at my reception. P.S. We are not registering and really want cash. I guess that isn't proper etiquette to include in invitations so I am putting it out there here. Hope it's not offensive.

Have a great day. Cheers.

1 comment:

Moo said...

You might want money, but that isn't what I'm giving you :)