
Fat Tuesday

Hi.  Did you know that once upon a time, I was Catholic?  Yep, that's right, I was.  Around this time of year, the observation of Lent happens within the Catholic religion(and among other Christian Sects as well) and I actually like the whole premise of that observation and I still actually observe parts of it.  The whole object of Lent is to prepare oneself for Easter by fasting from something.  This observation happens during the 40 days prior to Easter with its beginning marked by Ash Wednesday, which is tomorrow.

Easter is actually one of my favorite holidays because we celebrate what Christ did for us and that is laying down his life so that we can be saved ourselves.  I like how Lent prepares us for that celebration and gets us more focused on religion and Christ,  so I have kept this part of my Catholic days with me.

This year, I am going to fast from Diet Coke, and candy.  (I have been toying with sweet treats and soda all together, but I am thinking that I would be setting myself up for failure.)  I have been having a major gluttonous relationship with candy and soda and I think the best way to cleanse myself from these bad habits is to take a break from them.

This year, I would also like to add a bit more to my observation of Lent rather than just giving up something and not thinking about much else.  I have been doing pretty well at my goal of reading The Book of Mormon again by the end of the year.  Maybe I will be adding some other study to the mix about Easter and the Life of Christ.  Any suggestions on what to study?

Well, I hope all is well for each of the five of you that read this blog.


Oh and Happy Fat Tuesday.  Basically, you run around doing all the things you plan to give up for Lent.  I may have a very large Diet Coke today and some Cadbury Mini Eggs(they are my favorite!)

1 comment:

Elizabeth Peterson said...

I have made a goal to read the Ensign in its entirety each month. Maybe you could do that or really study the general conference talks.