
Somethings that need inventing.

Well beside the obvious, teleportation, I feel like there are a few things that need to be invented. Hello, it’s 2018, why don’t we have this yet?  Here are five top ones. If you make these, I’ll buy one and you should give me a little of the credit.

1. Flying cars. Come on...they were in Back to the Future 2. It’s time. Then driving to Wisconsin this summer wouldn’t be as dramatic, or would it?

2. Tires that don’t wear out. Changing tires every few years on the cars gets old and it bloody expensive. There has to be some miracle material that would save us from that heartache.

3. Bug resistant plants. Come on, with all the GMOs this has to be possible.

4. A hat cleaning machine. Seriously, you cannot trust a normal washer because the brim gets all skiwampus, so there should be this little device that fits one hat and that molds it the right way. Maybe I wouldn’t have to have 30+ hats then. Okay, I still don’t need that many!

5. Self-cleaning toilets. Heck, the whole bathroom could have this option and it would make my day. I cannot tell you how much I hate dirty toilets and just how much I truly hate cleaning them. It’s an on going battle inside my head about which one I hate most. Currently, it’s the cleaning part.

What are some inventions you would like to see? Comments are always welcomed here.

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